Tour Operator T.M.A.O.I.

Tour Operator T.M.A.O.I.
The Magic Art Of Italy

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ROMA, Italy
Italy: Penisola gold The ideal route for those wishing to stay in this vast country, but without losing the main attractions and amenities that offer the most modern cities affected by our various tours.

giovedì 16 settembre 2010

Tourism in Naples - The Napolitain Riviera

It's the most popular region of Italy. Google Maps of Italy

This is the ItalyThis Is The Italy 

Google Maps - Italy

The breathtaking beauty of its coastline, the outstanding sightseeing includin Pompei Google Maps of Pompei


And Ercolano Google Maps Of Ercolano
the enchantig Islands of Capri and Ischia ,
continue to draw visitors from all over the world .

Positano, Ravallo and Amalfi, made famous by songs and film, will never fail to fascinate tourists. Sorrento is true jewel in the crown of the Neapolitan Riviera . It sits perched on a spectacular peninsular and faces one of the world's most famous views: the Bay of  Naples.
Google Maps Of Naples

The Amalfi coast offers the most spectacular coastline on the Mediterranean.  The main resort and largest town is Amalfi Google Maps Of Amalfi. It set in a valley below steep, rugged hills, it boasts a glorious part as, in the 11th century, it was a powerful Maritime Republic rival to both Venice and Geonoa.

Ravello is an enchanting small place on a tranquil hill-top above Amalfi. It is set among pine trees and vineyards and offers the bests views over the rugged Amalfi coast.

The famous composer Wagner was just one of many famous visitors inspired by thew stunning panoramas.  It is here that he composed the Parsifal.

Positano, it is a pictoresque and delightful mosaic of pretty painted houses clining to a steep slope down the sea. It is a favourite resort of the International jet set. Its narrow little lanes are full of exclusive boutiques.
Ischia eand Capri are enchanting famous islands opposite the Riviera.

Google Maps Of Islands Of Ischia

Ischia, is well worth discovering because it offers somenthing for every day taste: beautiful landscapes with thermal natural botanic gardens, spas with thermal swimming pools; a wide range of accommodation whit modern facilities.

The enchanting islands of Capri is still one of the most magical places in the Mediterranean, it hosts over 800 species of plants and wild flowers. The elegant and exclusive town of Capri has a pictoresque centre fullor smart boutiques and a famous square, meeting place of the international jet set.

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